Outputs and Impacts: ViParc
This project is ongoing and updates will be posted in due course, you can also follow ViParc's progress via their project website here
See current publications here
Video clip campaign AMR Awareness Week November 2018: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uNWxFvyNR8Y
ViParc in the media (in Vietnamese): http://viparc.org/vi/tai-lieu/tai-lieu-khac/
Planned Impacts
Understanding of what, how and when and why antimicrobials are used in chicken farming
Accurate quantification of antimicrobial use (AMU) in chicken farming systems
Demonstration of reductions of AMU/disease/AMR in chicken flocks through local veterinary support
Development of tools that can be used in the wider farming community (farm health plan, advisory visits, auditing tools, etc.)
Identification of main drivers of AMU in the area: the crucial role of the veterinary pharmacist, availability of critically important antimicrobials at very low prices, issues with labelling and quality of antimicrobial-containing products.
Feedback to the Animal Health authorities advocating for changes in legislation concerning AMU in animal production.
Planned work: to roll out a training programme aimed at veterinary pharmacists in a province of the Mekong and to measure the impact of this intervention (in collaboration with the Animal Health authorities, FAO, researchers and the industry.