Follow-on Funding: Tackling AMR in Schools (Nepal)
Project Summary
This project implemented feedback from the CARAN participatory video project where participants specifically stated that AMR should be taught in Nepali schools. The voice of these participants was the impetus for ongoing collaborations between the University of Leeds and HERD International, Nepal.
Between 2020 and 2022 we worked with former CARAN participants, teachers and students from schools within the Kathmandu Valley, Nepal to co-create a suite of educational resources to be used in class rooms. The project was heavily impacted by COVID-19 but did engage online through Zoom to run focus groups and discussion sessions.
Resources are available in English and Nepali but we are interested in hearing from organisations who would like to work together to translate and contextually modify the resources for other settings. Please contact Jess if you are interested.
The project was further evaluated in 2023 by testing ability of resources to improve knowledge, attitudes and practices around AMR in school students and teachers who were not involved in the resource co-design process.
Who we are
This project is led by Dr Jessica Mitchell who has a background in education for climate change and sustainability. Professor Paul Cooke, PI of the original CARAN project is acting as Dr Mitchell's mentor on this project.
Our Nepali team is based within HERD International and includes Dr Sushil Baral, Abriti Arjyal, Ashim Shrestha, and Shraddah Manandhar.